Discord Bot List

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Top Voted Bots

3086 Views  2998 Votes  3180 Servers  Not Posted 
Avatar of MoonlightBot

Server moderation the light way! Infraction record-keeping, Temporary Roles, Reaction Roles, Reminders, Role Persistency, Utilities & more. Actively developed and super customizable!

1495 Views  135 Votes  85 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of Legion

Legion is a multi-purpose utility Discord bot to enhance server management, improve member interaction and provides advanced customizable management and moderation for your Discord server.

Sentry Alpha
1702 Views  78 Votes  84 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of Sentry Alpha

Sentry Alpha is a multi purpose meme filled bot with utility commands.

1422 Views  36 Votes  40 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of WE-BT16

A Moderation and Utilities Bot with lots of features.

1037 Views  6 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Koushi

This is Kouhai a simple fun bot, that you can use and enjoy. It has a lot of fun commands!

Saber Botum
1813 Views  3 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Saber Botum

eSaber's cool bot

Nitro Boosted Bots

Most Viewed Bots

3086 Views  2998 Votes  3180 Servers  Not Posted 
Avatar of MoonlightBot

Server moderation the light way! Infraction record-keeping, Temporary Roles, Reaction Roles, Reminders, Role Persistency, Utilities & more. Actively developed and super customizable!

Saber Botum
1813 Views  3 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Saber Botum

eSaber's cool bot

Sentry Alpha
1702 Views  78 Votes  84 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of Sentry Alpha

Sentry Alpha is a multi purpose meme filled bot with utility commands.

1495 Views  135 Votes  85 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of Legion

Legion is a multi-purpose utility Discord bot to enhance server management, improve member interaction and provides advanced customizable management and moderation for your Discord server.

1422 Views  36 Votes  40 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of WE-BT16

A Moderation and Utilities Bot with lots of features.

1277 Views  2 Votes  153852 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of RinBot

Guess the Anime, anime quiz / anime trivia game with thousands of different anime!

Popular Bots

1277 Views  2 Votes  153852 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of RinBot

Guess the Anime, anime quiz / anime trivia game with thousands of different anime!

1236 Views  2 Votes  152809 Servers  Not Posted 
Avatar of GamesROB

Biggest tabletop and party bot: Uno, Battleship, Hangman, Minesweeper, and more!

928 Views  1 Votes  59586 Servers  64 Shards 
Avatar of Suggester

Suggester is a bot that manages server suggestions, allowing staff to review suggestions before they are posted and manage them in many ways

Monokuma Character Controller
963 Views  1 Votes  38833 Servers  Not Posted 
Avatar of Monokuma Character Controller

Monokuma Character Controller is a bot that allows you to RP as characters from the Danganronpa franchise. (Other series planned soon.)

768 Views  1 Votes  9035 Servers  9 Shards 
Avatar of eara

Ear Tensifier is a powerful music bot that has earrape, bassboost and volume filters. The bot can play from SoundCloud, Youtube, Spotify, Mixer and bandcamp.

815 Views  1 Votes  6272 Servers  6 Shards 
Avatar of DisTube

YouTube • Live Stream • SoundCloud • Spotify • 512kbps • Reaction Controller • Audio Filter • DJ Mode • User Custom Playlist • Reaction Vote

Random Bots

354 Views  0 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of CryptoCookie

This bot is a cookie based currency with some features which allow you to compete with other users

349 Views  0 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Cyber

Charting. TradingLite Heatmaps. TradingView crypto, stock & forex charts. Bionic Trader 3D Orderbooks.

400 Views  0 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Xander

Xander is a virtual doctor bot to help manage health conditions by providing medical advice.

502 Views  1 Votes  7 Servers  Not Posted 
Avatar of Mizu

Lepakettu is a multi-purpose furry bot which strives to give a high quality user-friendly for your server fluffs!

434 Views  1 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Hangman

Play Hangman in Discord with Singleplayer, Mutiplayer and DM support.

344 Views  0 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Zengetsu

Hello! Zengetsu is a multi use discord bot primarily built on around the focus of music, but also has some other fun commands sprinkled in such as rock paper scissors, trivia, and more!

New Bots

Tritan Bot
766 Views  1 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Tritan Bot

A fully-functional multipurpose bot with loads of commands such as music, moderation, logging, games, utilities & more! To see all available commands run *help

Notey ♪
693 Views  0 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Notey ♪

Notey ♪ is a high quality, polished Discord music bot.

745 Views  0 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Dane.

Dane is a Music and Fun Bot

1495 Views  135 Votes  85 Servers  0 Shards 
Avatar of Legion

Legion is a multi-purpose utility Discord bot to enhance server management, improve member interaction and provides advanced customizable management and moderation for your Discord server.

804 Views  3 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Infinium

A multipurpose admin bot which will make your server a safe place from those _stinky_ rule breakers.

Dogee boi
382 Views  0 Votes  Not Posted  Not Posted 
Avatar of Dogee boi

The Doge Bot, it's a bot which does stuff. yeah some stuff. it has various categories of commands like games, mod, anime, fun, etc.

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