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Prefix: ~ | discord.js | OFFLINE

Brief Description

Tsumiki is an Anime themed Action Bot, with various Actions and miscellaneous Commands

Fun Utility 


Tsumiki - Discord Bot

Tsumiki is an Anime themed Action Bot, with various Actions and miscellaneous Commands. Her main feature is the advanced mention system and when combined with her action commands, makes for a deadly feature. Express yourself on Discord or silently mention users with Tsumiki today!

Mention System examples (using Action commands)

All mention types

Mention using a discord username, a discord ID, a discord tag (username + discriminator), only the discriminator, with a standard mention, or a server nickname! All mention types

Partial name matching

Tsumiki will search using what she is given, even if its a partial of their name. Do note that this system isn't always 100% accurate. Partial name matching

Mention as many as you want!

Tsumiki will ignore those she can't find when there is above 10 mentions and they won't be counted in the "and x others!" section! Mention as many as you want!

Ignores all sorts of self mentions

Tsumiki will ignore all types of self mentions, and if no other user is mentioned, it will count it as no users mentioned. The same goes for mentions over 10, it won't count it. Ignores all self mentions

Showcasing a few commands


Serverinfo command

Ship Command

Ship command

Husbando & Waifurate

Husbando & Waifurate command

Kitsu Anime/Manga search

Kitsu / Anime & Manga search Command

Tsumiki's Emotes command

Tsumiki's emotes command

Do you need help with Tsumiki in any way?

See one of Tsumiki's official guides or join our Discord server for further help!

Want to see all of Tsumiki's commands?

You can find them here on Tsumiki's official website.

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