Prefix: -
| discord.js | OFFLINE
Echo Bot is a multipurpose bot which can help your daily jams with its advanced music capabilities as well as moderation commands for your daily troll-hunting needs!
Do you need a music bot which has basic and advanced music commands? Well, you have come to the right bot. Echo is helpful in voice channel for your music needs!
Start by using -help to what commands are available to you! For example, we have the -loop command to loop your music, -search command to allow you to search through multiple Youtube selections with keywords or key phrases and much more! Try Echo out and see what you like about it!
Issues? Every bot has them at some point. Feel free to directly contact Traid#8181 or ask your question in the support server:
Wait! The bot will be adding new features in the future as well. It currently is in development of moderation commands, custom welcome messages and much more! Stay tuned!