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Deleted User 025eede8

Prefix: $ (changeable) | discord.js | OFFLINE

Brief Description

Music, Games, Moderation, Custom Commands, Polls, Memes - everything you need!

Moderation Music Role Management Utility Fun 



Cliffford is a multi-purpose bot which has a lot of features. You can moderate users on your server, listen to music along with your friends or just generate some funny memes. If you have any questions or suggestions please join our support server of which you can find the invite link with $help -> Support

Command List

🛠️ Utility 🛠️ $commands, $config, $invites, $poll, $random, $role, $server

⚔️ Moderation ⚔️ $ban, $clear, $info, $kick, $softban, $unban

🎵 Music 🎵 $play, $queue, $skip, $stop

🤖 Bot 🤖 $contact, $help, $stats, $vote

😋 Fun 😋 $avatar, $countdown, $math, $meme, $notexist, $short

🎲 Games 🎲 $coinflip, $fasttype, $tictactoe

💎 Premium 💎 $level, $premium

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