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Prefix: c! | discord.js | OFFLINE

Brief Description

This bot is a cookie based currency with some features which allow you to compete with other users

Fun Economy 


This bot was made by Blaargo#7777 for the soul purpose of his love of all things cookie!

The bot is still in fairly early testing however it does offer some interesting features, such as

A few work commands, such as c!mine and c!farm which allow the user to get :cookie:'s! as well as daily and weekly commands, there are also commands to give cookies to your friends via c!daily || c!weekly || c!donate {amount} respectively

There is also a leaderboard consisting of thousands of users across the globe, currently consisting of over 50 000 server users. The leaderboard shows the top 10 and their amounts respectively

There are also some miscellaneous commands, such as reaction roles and reacting to messages with cookies!

Now with gambling commands, get help from c!ghelp

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