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Prefix: # (Custom) | discord.js | OFFLINE

Brief Description

A Fun Bot that consists of Music & Utilty commands!

Music Utility Moderation 


Elite is a Moderation, Utility & Music Bot

There are a lot of commands in these categories, they are as follows:

Moderation Commands:

| Command | Info | | ------------- |-----------------------| | Ban / Kick |Moderation commands for banning / kicking members.| | Mute / Unmute |Mutes | Unmutes a user.| | Tempmute |Temporarily mutes a user for a certain amount of time.|

Utility Commands:

| Command | Info | | COVID | Gives you COVID-19 Info Country-Wise| | Shortener | Shortens a link for you! | | Translate | Translates a text | | Reminder | Reminds you for any task you have |

Music Commands:

| Command | Info | | Play | Plays a Song for you! (SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube)| | Pause / Resume | Pauses / Resumes a Song. | | Queue | Gets you the Current Queue! | | Clear-Queue | Clears the Current Queue. | | Shuffle | Shuffles the Current Queue. | | Nowplaying | Shows the Currently Playing song. | | Loop | Loops a Song or Queue. | | Volume | Set the Volume for the Songs (1-100) | | Skip | Skips the Current Song. | | Stop | Stops the Bot & the Current Queue. |

Filters for Music:

| Filters | Info | | Bassboost | Bass Boosts the Song! | | Tremolo | Adds Tremble to the Song. | | Vibrato | Adds Vibration to the Song. | | Treble | Adds Treble to the Song. | | 8D | Makes the Song sound like 8D. | | Normalizer | Adds it to the Current Song. | | Surrounding | Similar to 8D except it surrounds from the back | | Nightcore | Turns a Normal Song to a Nightcore version. | | Vaporwave | Even though Vaporwave is dead, you can use it! | | Superequalizer | Adds it to the Current Song. | | Phaser | Adds it to the Current Song. | | Reverse | Plays the Song in Reverse. | | Pulsator | Adds it to the Current Song. |

There's more being added to this Bot Daily!

Do #help for more info on the commands!

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