Prefix: !
| discord.js | OFFLINE
Counts down to a given time by continuously editing the message. Basically, a timer for your discord server.
A discord bot that counts down to a given time. What's the secret? It does this by continuously editing the message as each minute passes by.
(or) !usage
(or) !commands
Shows the help message.
Use this to see how the bot is chugging along.
Syntax: !countdown [tagme|taghere|tageveryone] <Date/time to countdown to>
Commands can also be inlined, by wrapping it between two exclamation marks.
Syntax: .. !!countdown [tagme|taghere|tageveryone] <Date/time to countdown to>! ..
!countdown 10mins
!countdown tagme May 24 3:47 PM PDT
Time till I'm 13 yrs old: !!countdown Aug 31, 10PM GMT! left.
There is !!countdown taghere 11:59 PM EST! left to capture flags!
Visit the github repo here to file issues or to ask for a new feature!