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Prefix: zb: | discord.js | OFFLINE

Brief Description

Zecrobuddy is a multipurpose bot featuring games, utility and a bit of moderation.

Economy Games Utility Fun 


Zecrobuddy is a multipurpose bot. Run zb:help to get started and learn the commands, or you can ping the bot to get to know its prefix as they can be changed from server to server.

The card currency game is a game where you can generate stars, crowns and specials(the three currencies) using the cards you buy. There are 11 different card types and they can do things ranging from just generating stars to hacking other players. Hacking other players allows you to hack their stars/crowns, break some of their cards, or you might just get caught and fined. You can also give people stars/crowns or specials or compete on the leaderboard. This game also has a mall where you can deposit, convert between currencies, gamble and buy gift cards.

The other game Zecrobuddy has is a game where you can explore the forest and gather resources. You can get different types of fish, minerals and other resources. These can be traded with villagers for gold or some of the rarer resources can be used to create coloured crystals and level up.

Zecrobuddy also has some utility features such as getting info on users, the server, roles etc. You can also create timers that will DM you with the note you attached.

Finally, Zecrobuddy has some moderation features such as purging, banning and kicking.

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