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Prefix: r. | discord.js | OFFLINE

Brief Description

Autoroles, custom role commands, vote channels, name cleaning, and many more utilities.

Moderation Role Management Utility Logging 


Want Restarter to have full functionality indefinitely in your server? We suggest inviting it with the Administrator permission: https://botz.mattcowley.co.uk/restarter_v2/invite

Irrationally scared that bots will abuse Administrator, like this bot list? You can invite it with no permissions and set them yourself based on the commands you want to use: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=438978127973318656&scope=bot&permissions=0

Restarter is a Discord server utility bot that provides quite a few great tools for server owners and administrators to make their time managing their server easier. It features useful information commands about emoji, channels, users and so on. Additionally, it provides a reasonably unique-ish feature of alerting staff to new accounts recently created on Discord that have joined their server and provides quick moderation actions for those users on the alerts, useful for raids. Further, the bot also provides great name cleaning features including the "decancer" module which ensures all members names are ascii only and the "dehoist" module which aims to stop users hoisting their names in the members list. Both of those name cleaning modules provide manual commands and automatic cleaning. Restarter also provides a great user role suite for managing roles that users have access too. There are auto roles which are roles given to users when they join (with an optional delay), role commands which allow users to give themselves roles via command and react roles which allow users to give themselves roles by acting on messages. There is also a great vote channels feature built into Restarter which allows staff to set up channels where users in the server can up/down vote any messages sent to the channel. Additionally, Restarter has some basic moderation built in to easily manage the users on the server and a very in-depth server log feature which logs almost all events that occur on the server.

What a massive wall of text that is! Restarter really does do quite a bit:

  • Role Management: Control how your users get roles; Automatically when they join, through commands they type or reacting on a message!
  • Name Cleaning: Keep your members’ names clean, easy to read and ordered in your server’s member list making life easier for everyone.
  • Vote Channels: Allow your server members to vote on messages sent to channels within your server. Find out what they like and dislike!
  • Moderation: Keep track of what happens on your server with the server logging, or moderate your server with warn, mute, kick and ban to keep your members under control.

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